



Experience the tumultuous journey of a group of spirited young girls residing in a prestigious Catholic boarding school, just moments before the enchanting arrival of Christmas. Set against the backdrop of a war-ridden era, where scarcity and strife loom large, their unyielding rebelliousness takes center stage.As the holiday season approaches, the students find themselves grappling with the harsh realities of their time. Amidst a world marred by scarcity and uncertainty, the girls cling to their resilience and sisterhood, determined to forge their own path amidst the chaos.With their unwavering fiery spirits, these young girls challenge the constraints imposed upon them by a society subjugated by war. Their mischievous escapades and clandestine adventures become a testament to their unwavering defiance against the harsh circumstances they face.Embracing the spirit of rebellion and camaraderie, these daring girls embark on a journey unlike any other, defying authority and conventional norms. United in their unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit, they find solace and comfort in one anothers company, forging bonds stronger than the walls surrounding them.Amidst the scarcity of resources and the omnipresent specter of war, the girls navigate their way through the labyrinthine corridors of academia, seeking freedom, independence, and their own voices. This struggle becomes the catalyst for their growth and individuality, as they learn to stand tall amidst the adversity that surrounds them.Without the cushioning comforts of abundance, their youthful exuberance and determination take center stage, inspiring both their peers and those who bear witness to their audacious rebellion. These girls become symbols of resilience, reminding us all of the boundless strength and potential that resides within each of us, irrespective of the circumstances we find ourselves in.In the end, this captivating tale of resilience, unity, and rebellion transcends the barriers of time, leaving a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of audiences. With an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape, this heartfelt narrative stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of youth and the transformative power of camaraderie.

  • 6.6分2021正片

    破裂 LaFracture

  • 8.5分2009正片



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