



A group of seven unsuspecting individuals are forcefully abducted, their lives taking an unexpected turn as they become unwilling participants in a twisted and sinister game. Stripped away from their normal existence, they find themselves trapped in a harrowing situation where survival becomes their primary objective.Each of the captives bears a unique past, their diverse backgrounds serving as a catalyst for the challenges they must face. Together, they must unravel the mysteries that shroud their captors motives, unleashing a torrent of hidden secrets and buried demons along the way.As the game unfolds, tension escalates, and trust becomes a scarce commodity. The group must work together, albeit reluctantly, battling their own personal demons while deciphering cryptic clues strategically placed throughout their confined environment. With every step inching them closer to salvation or doom, the captives must confront their darkest fears and face dire consequences should they fail.The relentless cat-and-mouse chase tests their limits, leaving them no choice but to confront the darkest aspects of human nature. Within the confines of their sinister prison, loyalty is tested, alliances are formed and broken, and the true nature of humanity is laid bare.With each passing moment, it becomes apparent that the mastermind behind this sadistic game is orchestrating a grand finale, a climax where no stones are left unturned, and no secrets remain hidden. As the captives near the endgame, they must summon every ounce of their strength and resilience to outwit their captor and secure their chance for survival.This riveting tale of survival and psychological torment will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It challenges our perception of what it means to be human and explores the depths to which desperation can drive individuals. With thought-provoking plot twists and nerve-wracking suspense, this gripping thriller will leave audiences questioning the darker aspects of human nature long after the credits roll.

  • 9.0分2017正片


  • 7.8分2018第6集


  • 5.9分2001HD


  • 6.5分2023正片


  • 8.5分2009正片


  • 9.2分2003正片


  • 6.9分2006正片


  • 5.9分2001HD



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