



When a spirited go-go dancer named Lucía steals a valuable stash of designer drugs from her mafia bosses, she unwittingly sets in motion a dangerous chain of events. Desperate to escape their relentless pursuit, Lucía seeks refuge with her estranged sister Rocío and her young niece Alba. The trio finds solace in "The Venus," a dilapidated apartment complex located on the outskirts of vibrant Madrid.Unfortunately, fate deals Lucía a cruel hand, as Rocío abruptly disappears, leaving Lucía as the sole caretaker of young Alba. Overwhelmed by the responsibility thrust upon her, Lucía must navigate the challenges of parenting while evading the menacing mobsters who close in on her every move.Set against the backdrop of a decaying society, "The Venus" becomes a symbol of both hope and despair. As Lucía strives to keep Alba safe within the confines of their deteriorating sanctuary, the juxtaposition of beauty and decay mirrors the intricacies of their own relationship. Through this harrowing journey, Lucía discovers her own strength and resilience, uncovering a long-hidden sisterly bond that proves stronger than any external threat."The Venus" is an enthralling tale of survival and sacrifice, showcasing the indomitable spirit of its characters in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. The rampant pursuit of power and wealth, as embodied by the relentless mobsters, serves as a harsh critique of societal corruption. Directors masterful storytelling and evocative cinematography transport the audience into the gritty underbelly of Madrid, where loyalty and love become the only guiding lights amidst a sea of darkness.With gripping performances that pull at the heartstrings, "The Venus" captures the essence of family dynamics and the lengths one is willing to go to protect those they hold dear. It is a film that resonates long after the final credits roll, leaving audiences contemplating the fragility of relationships and the enduring power of familial bonds, even in the face of adversity.

  • 8.5分2022正片



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