



In the whirlwind world of a famous vlogger and influencer, everything starts to unravel when she is confronted with the challenges of postpartum depression. As she tries to navigate the overwhelming emotions and changes that come with motherhood, she discovers that the support she once relied on from those around her is sadly lacking. Caught in the midst of a demanding career and a troubled personal life, she finds herself isolated and struggling to maintain her carefully curated online persona. Her once-charming baby, inexplicably, seems to harbor a sense of hostility that only adds to her mounting difficulties. As the walls close in, she is forced to confront the harsh realities of her situation and find the strength within herself to face her postpartum depression head-on. With each passing day, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth, in a desperate bid to salvage both her career and her deteriorating mental health. This gripping portrayal of a vloggers battle with postpartum depression sheds light on the often unseen struggles faced by those who appear to have it all. By delving into the depths of her inner turmoil, the film implores audiences to examine the societal pressures placed on new mothers and the dire consequences that can unfold when support systems fail. At its core, this thought-provoking story serves as a reminder that no amount of fame or success can shield us from the very human experiences that shape our lives.

  • 7.6分2018正片


  • 6.9分2009正片


  • 6.4分2015正片


  • 9.4分2015正片


  • 6.3分2019第3集

    黑镜 第五季

  • 7.7分2023第8集



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