



In the heart of Manhattans famed Upper East Side, two close friends find themselves embarking on a journey that will test their bonds and unravel the very fabric of their lives. Sophie and Emma, recent college graduates with dreams of success, seize the opportunity to rent an apartment in a charming yet enigmatic building. Hidden behind an ornate facade, the place holds an allure that cannot be ignored. Eager to start their new lives, they excitedly move in, completely oblivious to the dark secrets that lie within. As they settle into their new home, the roommates quickly discover that something isnt quite right. Strange occurrences haunt their daily lives, starting with inexplicable noises in the dead of night. Doors creak open on their own accord, casting an eerie shadow over their trust in reality. Unease settles in their hearts, and paranoia begins to seep into their every interaction. The mysterious apartment building becomes a character in itself, with its somber ambiance and enigmatic inhabitants. Sophie and Emma find themselves irresistibly drawn into a sinister world, where nothing is as it seems. As their lives intertwine with the buildings dark history, their once-solid friendship is tested to its limits. Deep secrets are unearthed, and their sanity hangs in the balance as they struggle to unravel the truth behind the apartments haunting allure. Intriguing and spine-chilling, this film delicately balances suspense and human emotions, keeping the audience captivated from start to finish. The suspenseful plot twists and turns, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as they eagerly await the resolution. The performances of the lead actresses are remarkable, perfectly capturing the growing sense of unease and despair. The setting of Manhattans Upper East Side adds an extra layer of intrigue, with its glamorous facade and hidden secrets. The intricate web of relationships and the buildings dark past merge seamlessly to create an atmospheric and haunting tale that will linger in viewers minds long after the credits roll. This is not just a story about an apartment; its a chilling exploration of human nature and the lengths we are willing to go to preserve our sanity. Prepare to be enthralled, terrified, and deeply moved by this captivating tale of two roommates whose lives are forever changed by the sinister entity they call home.

  • 9.0分2019正片


  • 9.5分2019正片



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