



In a heartrending tale, we are invited to delve into the mythical concept of motherhood as we follow the journey of Pepa and her daughter. Stripped of their home and left with no support system, they embark on a harrowing quest for a place to call their own.Facing the daunting challenges of homelessness and instability, Pepa and her daughter must navigate a hostile world that seems determined to keep them adrift. With no safety net to rely on, they are forced to tap into their inner strength and resilience, embodying the spirit of a mothers unwavering love and determination.As they wander through the labyrinthine streets, the bond between Pepa and her daughter grows stronger. Their shared experiences forge an unbreakable connection, illuminating the profound importance of maternal love and sacrifice. Together, they confront the stark realities of society, exposing the raw vulnerability of those often overlooked and marginalized.Through their journey, we witness the human spirits capacity to endure, to fight for a better future, and to find solace in the most unexpected places. Their compelling odyssey resonates deeply as a testament to the unwavering power of a mothers unyielding devotion.Captivating and poignant, this film explores themes of motherhood, resilience, and the cruel injustices faced by those marginalized in society. It invites us to reflect on the crucial role of community support and compassion in fostering a more caring and inclusive world. With stellar performances and a powerful narrative, this film leaves an indelible mark, reminding us of the enduring strength found within the bonds of family and the unwavering love of a mother.

  • 7.4分2019正片


  • 8.4分2000正片


  • 9.7分2012正片



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