



In a gripping tale of desperation, our protagonist finds himself entangled in a high stakes celebrity death pool that spirals his life into a devastating downfall. Everything he holds dear - his thriving business, his once comfortable bank account, his cherished home, and even his loving fiancé - crumble before his eyes, leaving him at rock bottom. Fueled by feelings of despair and hopelessness, he reaches his breaking point.But amidst the darkness, a twisted revelation strikes him: the only path to reclaiming his shattered life is to embark on an unthinkable journey. He hatches a sinister plan to eliminate a prominent celebrity from this world, a plan that will require him to take the life of the world-renowned star, without a second thought. The target? None other than the iconic personality, Hasselhoff.With a mixture of determination and desperation, our fallen protagonist clandestinely delves into the unknown realm of crime, meticulously plotting the demise of Hasselhoff. As he meticulously lays the groundwork for the unthinkable act, his mind teeters between sanity and madness.Yet, beneath the surface, this gripping tale explores deeper questions of morality, exposing the lengths a person can go when consumed by desperation. As the story unfolds, viewers are left questioning their own ethical boundaries while being captivated by the protagonists descent into darkness.This riveting narrative doesnt revolve solely around the act of murder but reflects the human condition in its most fragile state. It delves into the intricacies of the human psyche when pushed to the limits and poses thought-provoking questions about the consequences of our actions.Chilling, unpredictable, and thought-provoking, this story presents a cautionary tale that remains etched in the mind long after the final credits roll. It explores the depths of desperation and the consequential choices made when one is pushed beyond their breaking point. An unsettling journey into a world where the lines between right and wrong blur, leaving viewers pondering the darkness that exists in all of us.

  • 7.8分2001正片


  • 9.2分2022正片


  • 9.2分2022正片


  • 5.7分2023第12集

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  • 7.0分1986正片


  • 9.4分2016正片


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  • 7.3分2021正片


  • 8.0分2015正片


  • 9.3分2014正片


  • 6.3分2022第10集

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