



In the halls of a suburban high school, a timid and socially awkward teenager yearns for connection. Desperate to break free from his outsider status, he fixates on the popular cheerleader, a beacon of popularity and social acceptance. In a daring move, he gathers the courage to approach her, hoping to bridge the gap between them and find genuine companionship.However, his hopes are dashed as he is met with rejection and scorn. Crushed, but determined not to be defeated, he begins to harbor a vengeful spirit within him. Fuelled by feelings of anger and resentment, he plots a meticulous and calculated plan to bring down the very people who had rejected him.As he delves deeper into his dark intentions, the plot unravels into a suspenseful cat-and-mouse game, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. Manipulating the social dynamics of the school, our protagonist unleashes a series of events that expose the cruel underbelly of popularity.But as his revenge unfolds, unforeseen consequences arise, forcing him to confront the true nature of his actions. In a surprising twist, he discovers that revenge cannot fill the void in his heart. Through his journey, he learns valuable lessons about self-acceptance, genuine friendship, and the consequences of seeking vengeance.With captivating performances and a gripping storyline, this thought-provoking film delves into the twisted complexities found within the human psyche. Explore the dark paths one can venture down when feelings of loneliness and rejection overpower reason. A cautionary tale that reminds us all of the importance of empathy and understanding, long after the credits roll.

  • 5.4分2014正片


  • 7.5分2014正片


  • 7.3分2015正片


  • 8.2分2012正片



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