



When Andy discovers that hes been categorized under Santas "naughty list," he rounds up a crew of fellow mischievous youngsters determined to seize the gifts they believe are rightfully theirs.Together, Andy and his band of merry troublemakers embark on a daring mission to obtain the presents they feel they have been unfairly denied. Armed with their wits and resourcefulness, they hatch a plan to infiltrate Santas workshop on Christmas Eve.As they sneak through the twinkling, snow-covered streets, Andy and his companions encounter various obstacles, testing their loyalty and determination. Along the way, they forge unlikely friendships and learn valuable lessons about the true meaning of Christmas.With each step closer to their goal, the naughty list crew discovers that the gifts they covet are not the key to happiness. Instead, it is the spirit of generosity and selflessness that truly embodies the holiday season. Along the exhilarating journey, they discover the joy of giving and the magical power of friendship.In the end, Andy and his newfound companions realize that being on the naughty list doesnt define who they are. It is their actions, kindness, and ability to spread joy that truly matter. As they redefine their own expectations and learn the importance of second chances, they embody the spirit of Christmas and nurture the belief in the power of redemption.Filled with heartwarming moments, laughter, and awe-inspiring adventures, this enchanting tale captures the essence of the holiday season. It reminds us that the true gift lies within connecting with others and embracing the spirit of goodwill. A delightful blend of mischief and merriment, this movie celebrates the magic of Christmas and the power of love, teaching us that its never too late to rewrite our stories and earn a place on Santas nice list.

  • 6.0分2018正片


  • 8.1分2008正片


  • 7.0分2016正片


  • 7.2分2019正片


  • 8.0分2020第12集


  • 9.0分2023第8集完结

    家族纽带 第二季

  • 5.3分2013正片


  • 9.2分2020正片


  • 7.2分2020正片


  • 6.3分2023正片


  • 8.7分2021正片


  • 5.0分2023抢先版



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