



In a small suburban town, resides Zoey Miller, a brilliant and independent high school senior. Zoey has always prioritized her academic pursuits over matters of the heart, finding romance to be an unnecessary distraction. However, her steadfast approach to life is about to be challenged in the most unexpected way.Enter Zack, the charismatic heartthrob and undisputed king of their high schools social scene. Known for his good looks and charm, Zacks presence commands attention wherever he goes. But one fateful day, a freak accident leaves Zack with amnesia, erasing all memories of his past, including his relationships.Unaware of his own identity, Zack stumbles upon Zoey during a chance encounter. Instantly captivated by her intelligence and unassuming nature, Zack mistakenly believes Zoey to be his girlfriend. Zoey, caught off guard by this turn of events, finds herself reluctantly going along with the charade, not wanting to add more complications to Zacks already confused state.As days turn into weeks, Zoey and Zack spend more time together, forming a unique connection that defies the boundaries of their original roles. Through deep conversations, shared laughter, and unexpected adventures, they discover a sense of companionship that transcends their initial circumstances.However, while Zoey finds herself falling for Zacks endearing innocence and renewed thirst for life, she is plagued by guilt as she realizes that this relationship is built on deceit. The weight of her moral dilemma becomes more unbearable with each passing day.With the truth looming over them, Zoey must confront her own fears and make a choice that will inevitably shatter the fragile world they have built together. Will she risk everything, including her own heart, to restore Zacks memories and acknowledge their fabricated reality? Or will she choose to walk away, leaving behind a love story that was never meant to be?In this heartwarming tale of mistaken identities and unexpected connections, Zoey and Zacks shared journey explores the complexities of love and the fragility of human emotions. As they navigate through the labyrinth of their intertwined lives, one cant help but ponder the profound impact that circumstances can have on our perceptions of love and self-discovery.Ultimately, this poignant narrative reminds us that sometimes, the most profound connections can be forged in the unlikeliest of circumstances. Zoey and Zacks story serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of love, even when it emerges from a foundation of mistaken identity.

  • 9.3分2008正片


  • 9.7分2019正片


  • 6.9分2016正片


  • 8.1分2014第16集


  • 8.9分2018正片


  • 6.4分2017正片


  • 9.4分1987正片


  • 8.7分2002正片


  • 6.6分2022第10集


  • 9.0分1991正片


  • 5.7分2022正片


  • 6.7分2013正片



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