



In the vibrant city of Milan, Lieutenant Amore finds himself on the cusp of retirement after serving an astounding 35 years on the police force, without ever having fired a single shot. As he prepares to bid farewell to his illustrious career, fate has an unexpected twist in store for him. The once familiar world that Lieutenant Amore knew so well is suddenly cast into chaos, leaving him questioning everything he thought he understood.Amidst the labyrinthine streets of Milan, a thrilling game of cat and mouse unfolds. Lieutenant Amore finds himself caught in a perilous dance between the boundaries of law and criminality. As he delves deeper into the enigmatic circumstances that have upturned his existence, he realizes that the very essence of his beloved city has transformed.Seemingly ordinary people reveal themselves to be unpredictable and sinister, blurring the lines between friend and foe. Lieutenant Amore must navigate a treacherous web of deceit and corruption, all while haunted by the shadow of his impending retirement. With each step he takes, he uncovers a dark underbelly of Milan that he never could have anticipated, and one that may have been lurking beneath the surface for decades.As the suspense builds, Lieutenant Amores unwavering dedication to justice and his relentless pursuit of the truth become his guiding lights. In a city where morality is blurred and loyalty is tested, he must confront his own beliefs and confront the demons that threaten to overtake him."Milan" is a riveting thriller that plunges viewers headfirst into a world of intrigue and uncertainty. With its seamless blend of psychological suspense and gritty realism, the film captivates audiences and keeps them on the edge of their seats from start to finish. It is a masterful exploration of the duality that exists within us all – the fine line between heroism and corruption, and the price one must pay for navigating the murky waters of power.In the end, "Milan" is a haunting reminder that even in a city known for its beauty and sophistication, darkness can lurk around every corner. It serves as both a gripping crime drama and a poignant meditation on the fleeting nature of justice and the inevitable closing chapter of a life dedicated to upholding it.

  • 6.3分1997正片


  • 8.1分2020正片


  • 5.3分2022正片


  • 9.5分2006正片


  • 6.7分2022正片

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  • 9.7分2020第6集

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  • 7.4分2010正片


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  • 9.8分2021第01集


  • 8.6分2021正片


  • 8.3分2020正片


  • 5.8分2016正片



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