



The lives of multiple individuals are irrevocably entwined when an unfortunate hit and run incident involving a young girl unfolds. This incident becomes the catalyst that sets in motion a series of events, each with its own unique consequences. Among those affected are a determined journalist, a distraught and vengeful mother, a conflicted police officer, and a flawed system, all grappling with their own ethical dilemmas.As the story unfolds, profound questions are raised, forcing the characters to confront their innermost beliefs and values. They soon discover that the truth is far from being straightforward or unblemished. It is a complex and convoluted journey, where moral boundaries blur, and personal vendettas collide with the pursuit of justice.In this thought-provoking tale, the ramifications of the hit and run incident reverberate through the lives of those involved, ultimately revealing the interconnectedness of human existence and the complexities of our choices. Amidst a cascade of unforeseen twists, the characters are forced to confront their own biases, question the rigidities of the system they operate within, and navigate the intricate dance between truth and perception.With its gripping narrative and compelling performances, this film manages to keep the audience on the edge of their seats, raising important societal issues without resorting to simplistic explanations or moral judgments. It serves as a poignant reminder that truth is not always black and white, but rather a nuanced spectrum of perspectives, constantly subject to the ever-shifting sands of human frailty and circumstance.In the end, this captivating film invites viewers to ponder the complexities of morality and the inherent flaws within our systems. It is a masterful exploration of human nature and the eternal struggle to reconcile personal convictions with the harsh realities of the world we inhabit.

  • 6.0分2022正片


  • 5.3分2012正片


  • 8.6分2014正片


  • 9.4分2001正片


  • 8.6分2001正片



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