



As the clock ticks down on her long and illustrious broadcasting career, Amy Marlowe, a seasoned late night radio host, finds herself caught in the menacing grasp of a raging hurricane. As the storm drums on outside, tension seeps into the walls of WLST, the radio station where Amy has spent countless nights entertaining her loyal listeners.With the news of their forced retirement looming overhead, Amys anxiety is amplified when a shadowy figure steps into the station - her supposed replacement. Unease spreads among the staff as their mysterious newcomer silently observes Amys every move, his intentions obscured like the storm raging outside.Trapped within the confines of the radio station, Amy and her uneasy team scramble to maintain some semblance of normalcy as they weather the tempest both inside and outside. As the night rolls on and the hurricanes wrath intensifies, the airwaves crackle with a mix of gripping desperation and palpable fear.Thrilling and suspenseful, this tale of broken allegiances and a looming end subtly explores the power dynamics at play in the world of broadcasting. Amys struggle for relevance in the face of impending retirement serves as a poignant reflection of the human desire to leave a lasting legacy.In the face of unforgiving nature and internal strife, "The Storm Within" is a gripping story that delves deep into the human psyche. With stellar performances and a haunting atmosphere, it keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, contemplating the fragility of human existence and the lengths we go to preserve our place in the world.

  • 5.1分2011正片


  • 6.8分2020正片


  • 6.1分2017正片


  • 6.9分2018正片


  • 8.0分2009正片


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  • 8.8分2018正片



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