



In Flight / Risk, we delve into the lives of ordinary individuals who are suddenly thrust into the heart of a devastating global catastrophe. Two Boeing 737 Max planes tragically crash within a short span of five months in 2018 and 2019, leaving a trail of grief and questions in their wake. This poignant documentary takes us on a journey through the eyes of those directly impacted – the grieving family members, their determined legal teams, courageous whistleblowers, and the renowned journalist Dominic Gates, whose Pulitzer-winning reporting for the Seattle Times sheds light on the truth.Through heart-wrenching interviews and compelling footage, Flight / Risk unveils the profound impact of these tragic events on the lives of those left behind. We witness the shattered dreams, unimaginable loss, and tireless pursuit for justice as families navigate the complex legal battles and demand accountability from those responsible.What sets this documentary apart is its unwavering focus on the human stories behind the headlines. It explores the intricate web of emotions that ensue, from anger and despair to resilience and hope. As we immerse ourselves in the lives of these ordinary heroes, we cant help but question the systems and institutions that failed them.Fuelled by Dominic Gates relentless pursuit of the truth, Flight / Risk serves as a stark reminder of the power of investigative journalism in bringing forth systemic failures and raising awareness for necessary reforms. It raises profound ethical dilemmas, forcing us to confront the delicate balance between profit-driven decisions and the safety of human lives.Flight / Risk is not just a documentary about a tragic event; it is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. It reminds us of the importance of holding those in power accountable and fighting for justice, even in the face of insurmountable adversity. Heartbreaking yet empowering, this film leaves a lasting impact, urging us to question, reflect, and demand change.

  • 8.5分2019正片


  • 6.3分2018正片


  • 9.2分2022正片


  • 8.3分2022正片


  • 7.2分2023第02集


  • 9.0分2016正片


  • 8.6分2016正片



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