



In this thrilling adventure, we follow the journey of Iqbal, a 13-year-old boy brimming with charm, imagination, and a zest for life. However, his father believes that these qualities alone are not enough for success in the world. Little does he know that Iqbals true potential is about to unfold in the most unexpected way.One fateful day, Iqbal, along with his younger brother Tariq (11 years old) and their adventurous friend Sille, find themselves in a series of misfortunes when they accidentally cause a massive explosion at their school. Suddenly, their fathers disappointment becomes the least of their worries.Unbeknownst to them, two cunning criminals, Easelman and The Swine, catch wind of the chaos caused by the young trio. These crooks have a devious plan in mind. They will stop at nothing to obtain a valuable item randomly hidden within Iqbals home. As our young heroes stumble upon their sinister plot, they realize that not only do they need to save themselves, but they must also protect their family and the community from the clutches of these unscrupulous villains.Now, Iqbals true qualities of wit, courage, and determination come to the forefront. Alongside Tariq and Sille, he navigates a treacherous path, outsmarting the villains and using his resourcefulness to unravel a secret that could save them all. With each passing challenge, Iqbal proves that sometimes intelligence and imagination can outshine traditional notions of success.In the end, Iqbals extraordinary journey teaches us that true strength lies not only in academic achievements but also in the ability to adapt, overcome challenges, and protect the ones we love. Its a heartwarming tale of resilience and the power of friendship.Film Review: This heartwarming adventure captivates viewers with its charming characters and a gripping storyline. "Iqbal" beautifully showcases how imagination and determination can lead to extraordinary achievements, proving that success goes beyond societal expectations. The young actors deliver outstanding performances, drawing audiences into their world of bravery and camaraderie. With its valuable life lessons and thrilling moments, "Iqbal" is a delightful film for all ages.

  • 8.0分2002正片


  • 8.2分2023正片


  • 8.6分2017正片


  • 7.4分2022第06集


  • 5.9分2009正片


  • 5.0分2012正片


  • 5.8分2022正片


  • 6.6分2018正片


  • 7.5分2022正片



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